Get involved

We are committed to involving south Sefton residents in our work. There are lots of different ways you can get involved - whether you would like to contribute your ideas to shaping future healthcare, or to tell us about your experiences of the services you have recently used.

Below are some of the main ways you can get involved:

Ways to get involvedHow to get involved

Ways you can get involved

Join our mailing list 

The easiest way to get involved is to sign up to our mailing list. Registering is easy: simply click on the link above, fill in and submit the form. We will contact you about any forthcoming events or opportunities for you to get involved.

Come to a 'Big Chat'   

These interactive events are a chance for us to talk with you about our latest projects and plans, and hear what you think. The views we gain from our 'Big Chat' events inform our thinking about changes or developments to services. We also hold Mini Chats, which are more focused on particular health topics or services. 

Current exercises

You can find out about any current exercises we have running and details of the ways you can get involved.

Previous exercises

Visit the previous exercises section to see examples of earlier programmes where we have asked for your views.

What do you think about healthcare?

We're interested in hearing more about what you think about healthcare in Sefton. Learning from the first hand experience of our patients and carers we can understand more about what works well and where things need to improve.

Making our work accessible for you

We believe that all our residents should have the same opportunities to get involved in our work. One of the ways we work to do this is by making our work accessible for you - in formats you can choose or request.

Supporting you to get involved and learn more

There are a number of ways you can get involved and learn more about healthcare , including training opportunities. Some of these are provided by our partners and other NHS organisations.

Our governing body meetings

We hold bi-monthly meetings in public, so you can hear us discussing our work and making decisions about local health services. There is also a chance to ask your questions before the meeting begins. Visit the About us section to find dates for forthcoming meetings.

Join your GP practice patient group

A number of GP practices in south Sefton have patient groups. These groups enable patients to have their say about services at their practice and hear about our wider work. Why not ask your surgery if it has a group and about how you can join?

Get involved with Healthwatch Sefton

Find out more about how you can get involved with Healthwatch Sefton to contribute towards making health and social care services work better for the people who live in Sefton or use services based in Sefton. 

How else would you like to get involved?

We are always interested in hearing about new ways to involve people. So, if you have an idea about what more we can do, why not drop us an email?  


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How we involve you

Our framework for involvement 

Our framework for involvement contributes to our wider decision making arrangements, in line with our CCG constitution and it plays an important role in our ladder of assurance for patient and public involvement.


EPEG is our engagement and patient experience group that brings us together with patient representatives and key partners from across health and care in Sefton.

Who we involve

Our organisational structures provide a firm foundation for involving people, but we are always looking at ways of improving and updating our stakeholder intelligence and the processes we use to do reach out and involve more people, particularly those who find it difficult to have their say about their health services.

How we use your views

We are committed to making sure that involving and engaging our residents is part of our daily business. Visit the ‘How we use your views’ section for examples of where your feedback has informed our work, plans and strategies.


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