Hightown Village Surgery listening exercise

Date exercise ended - Friday, May 12, 2017

From 3 April to the 12 May 2017, NHS England working with the CCG and a range of other partners, carried out a ‘listening exercise’ to help determine the future delivery of primary care services at Hightown Village Surgery.  

During the six week exercise, patients registered with the practice were invited to give their views. A series of events was held, where people could find out more and have their say about the proposals suggested by health commissioners.  

The views collected during the exercise have fed into the commissioners’ decision to go out to the market to find a new provider of services at the practices.  

You can read more from the links below:  

Latest news

A new provider came forward to take on the running of the surgery from 1 April 2018 and you can read more about this from the links below:


Visit the ‘How we use your views’ section for examples of where your feedback has informed our work, plans and strategies.