NHS commissioners in south Sefton go digital for this year’s AGM

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Local residents are invited to attend NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group’s first virtual Annual General Meeting on Friday 13 November, 2-3pm.

The hour-long session will be held on Microsoft Teams Live Events. It will include presentations on key challenges and achievements during 2019-20, a financial review and an overview of future plans.

Bringing together 30 doctors’ surgeries across south Sefton, the CCG is responsible for planning and commissioning (buying) the majority of local health services that residents may need.

Dr Craig Gillespie, chair of NHS South Sefton CCG, said: “I encourage anyone with an interest in local health and care to join our AGM to hear about some of our most important work during the year.”

The CCG usually holds a combined ‘Big Chat’ and annual review event to reflect on the past year and share their plans for the future, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, have adapted to connect with the people of south Sefton virtually this year.

Dr Gillespie added: “We will reintroduce our popular interactive ‘Big Chat’ style annual review events when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we hope our first virtual AGM will be an interesting and informative overview of our year.”

Pre-registration for the meeting is essential in order to be sent a link to join online. The CCG also welcomes questions to be submitted in advance. To register or to submit a question, please email communications@sefton.nhs.uk or call 0151 317 8456 before 5pm on 10 November.

You can read the CCG’s Annual Report for 2019/2020 on the website.